Cold Plunge Therapy
Revitalize your body and mind by embracing the power of cold water therapy!
Why Cold Plunge?
Discover the incredible benefits of emerging yourself in our cold plunge for just 3 minutes!
Improves Muscle Recovery
and Circulation
Incorporating cold plunges into your exercise routine helps to promote muscle recovery and circulation by reducing inflammation, constricting blood vessels, and aiding in the removal of metabolic waste.
Increases Your
Cold water submersion activates brown adipose tissue (BAT) in the body, which generates heat and puts your body into a fat burning zone.
Heightened Mental Alertness
& Mental Health
Cold plunging releases endorphins and dopamine by up to 250%! It also activates your sympathetic nervous system which increases noradrenaline. Insufficient levels of noradrenaline can lead to depression, diminished focus, and impaired cognitive function.
Sleep Quality
Cold water submersion increases sleep quality by regulating body temperature, promoting a deeper state of relaxation, and enhancing the body’s natural sleep-wake cycle.
Book a Free Intro at YoFiT La Costa today. Chat with a coach to learn more about how we can help you reach your goals.